Programme SAP RNAFFI01 - IS-H: Release Billing Documents into Financial Accounting

If direct posting to Financial Accounting is not allowed during billing(posting block is marked for the corresponding billing type), you canpost on or make follow-up postings for the corresponding invoicedocuments into Financial Accounting (FI) using this program.

  • You can choose the documents from a list defined on the selection
  • screen.
    • You can also restrict your selection via the posting status in Financial
    • Accounting (for example, B for error).
      • If several institutions exist, it may be advisable to restrict them on
      • the selection screen.
        • Note: Please try to restrict your selection using the document number,
        • otherwise considerable runtime problems can ensue. This also applies,for example, if there are only a few invoices with an incorrect postingstatus and if you have used this as a selection criterion.
          • From a technical perspective, an SD transaction is called for each
          • document number that is to be posted on. Posting to FI is then initiatedwith this transaction (synchronous update). If the system settings areincorrect, therefore, an error message is output from SD for eachdocument and processing of the next document must be started withExit from the SD transaction.

            SD and FI must be active and maintained accordingly (revenue accountdetermination, for example).


            • All of the documents that have been selected but not yet transferred
            • into Financial Accounting are identified in the output list. To transfera document to FI, choose Release.
              • The documents are removed from the list once they have been successfully
              • posted.
                • You can display information on the posting procedure by clicking
                • Messages. Note that information on posting problems is notdisplayed here, since it output for each document when it is posted.However, you can process these documents individually from SD or postthem subsequently; information on unsuccessful posting attempts is alsoavailable here.
                  • Choose Document Overview to display the documents processed. The
                  • system lists the documents that were posted successfully as well asthose not taken into account. The list displays the current postingstatus of all the documents:
                    C Posting document generated
                    D Billing document is not accounting-relevant
                    E Billing completed by cancellation
                    F No accounting document created (pricing error)
                    G No accounting document created (export data missing)

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