Programme SAP RNAEBILL - IS-H: Create Estimated Hospital Invoice

It is common practice in certain countries to submit an estimatedinvoice to a patient when he/she is admitted to hospital. The purposeof this invoice is twofold:

  • Provide the patient with information

  • Calculate a possible down payment or deposit.

  • You can create an estimated invoice using this program.

    Selection Criteria
    Specific data is required to make the creation of an estimated invoicepossible.
    You can enter the data using a tab on the selection screen of theestimated invoice program. The following tab pages are provided forthis purpose:

    • General data

    • You can enter the patient and case data (including the treatmentcategory) on this tab page.
      If you want to create an estimated invoice for different treatmentcategories, choose the multiple selection pushbutton adjacent to thetreatment category input field. A dialog box is displayed listing allof the valid treatment categories. You can select the requiredtreatment categories in this list.
      • Surgery

      • Here you can specify the table of operation or the surgical procedurecatalog and the surgical procedure code.
        • Service

        • If it is already established that the patient's hospital stay is to becovered by a package, you can specify the service catalog and theservice here. In the Column field, specify the column containingthe base price of this service.
          • Medical data

          • On this tab page you can specify a diagnosis, the attending physicianand data pertaining to delivery.
            • More data

            • This tab page contains customer-specific fields. If you do not requirecustomer-specific input fields in your institution, you cannot enterdata here and the system issues a message accordingly. In this case, itis recommended to suppress this tab page from the screen by means ofdynamic screen modification.
              If you want to create an estimated invoice for a patient who hasalready already been admitted in the system, you can enter thepatient's case number in the Case field. When you choose Getdata, the system determines the data for the case from the databaseand places it in the corresponding input fields. You can overwrite thevalues without the data stored in the system being modified. If you nolonger want to use the data for a case, you can reset all of thedetermined and entered data by choosing Delete data. When youexecute this function, all of the internal structures that were filledwith the data of the case when you chose Get data are deleted.
              When you enter a case in the selection screen, you can directly accessthe down payment transaction by choosing Goto -> Maintain orDisplay down payment. If you call the down payment transaction inmaintenance mode, you can enter a down payment request or a downpayment made here.

              To execute this program you require the authorization S_PROGRAM and theauthorization group specified in the program attributes.

              The program outputs an estimated invoice list. The header of theinvoice list contains the hospital's address and the patient's name.
              The determined data is displayed for each treatment category specified.
              In addition to the the standard functions provided by theABAP List Viewer this list also provides thefollowing options for further editing the information:

              • Print form

              • Select the estimated invoices you want to print. You can choose theStandard form or Choose form... print options. To do thischoose Estimated invoice -> Print form -> Standard form or Chooseform....
                • Display messages

                • By choosing Messages you display the messages generated by thecreation of the estimated invoice.
                  • Change down payment amount

                  • You can overwrite the down payment amount displayed. If you then printa form, the new down payment amount is also output on the form.
                    • Call down payment transaction

                    • If you have entered a case on the selection screen, you can branch intothe down payment transaction by choosing Goto -> Down payment ->Maintain or Display. In maintenance mode, you can enter adown payment request or a down payment made here.
                      In addition to these functions you can also decide which fields youwant to display in the list. When you choose Display variant thesystem sends a diaglog box in which you can select different fields.The following fields are available:
                      • Fields on header level (line1 and line2)

                      • Teatment category
                        Length of stay
                        Down payment amount
                        Medisave claim
                        Total amount
                        Sum of all charges - Medisave claim
                        Case type
                        Movement type
                        Patient class
                        Accommodation category
                        Departmental organizational unit
                        Nursing organizational unit
                        Table of operation
                        Surgical procedure catalog
                        Surgical procedure code
                        Diagnosis coding catalog
                        Diagnosis code
                        Psychiatric case indicator
                        Attending physician
                        Delivery indicator
                        Service catalog
                        Column for pricing within service catalog
                        • Fields on item level

                        • Rule text
                          Indicator that charge incurred daily
                          This amount is only relevant for charges incurred daily.
                          Total amount
                          With charges incurred daily this amount is calculated as follows:Length of stay * Amount/day
                          Note that a Medisave claim will only be calculated if you selectedMedisave on the program selection screen.



                          • The enahncement NEBILL00 provides the following function exits:

                          • EXIT_SAPLN065_001
                            Using this function exit you can calculate a down payment amount inrelation to the estimated invoice. This amount is output in the listand can be overwritten if appropriate.
                            EXIT_RNAEBILL_001 and EXIT_RNAEBILL_002
                            These function exits enable you to add customer-specific fields to theprogram selection screen. These fields are displayed on the tab pageMore data.
                            For more information, please read the documentation on the enhancementNEBILL00.

                            Hints on form printing
                            The work organizer type EBIL is provided for the estimated invoice.

                            IS-H screen modification enables you to modify the attributes of fieldson the selection screen and the position of the cursor on the screen.You can also suppress the tab page More data from the screen, ifyou do not have customer-specific fields on the selection screen. Formore information, please read the documentation on the activityMaintain screen modification underSettings -> Screen control in the IS-H ImplementationGuide.