Programme SAP RNACON01 - IS-H: Evaluation Program Dept. OU/Services (Prep. for Controlling)

With this program, you can obtain an overview of services defined in thesystem concerning their assignment to the departmental organizationalunits. Only period-specific services actually performed are looked at inthis case. Accruals on a partial interval are also possible; that is,the quantity of the services available in the system up to now or theinvoiced services are displayed regarding the partial interval.

To avoid runtime problems, please make use of the option to restrict thecase number, since otherwise the entire case table (NFAL) is imported.
The following preconditions should be met:

  • The assignment of the period-specific services to the case movements
  • should not have been manually changed. In particular, the period ofservice must be contained in a movement period; otherwise, the serviceis not taken into account. Since only requesting or performingorganizational units are defined in the service table, and theconversion of the departmental or nursing organizational unit is notbijective, the organizational unit from the movement matching in time istaken as the departmental organizational unit.
    • The currency of the services should not change, since no conversion is
    • yet carried out.
      • Update for IS-H 2.22: The following restrictions to the report no longer
      • apply:
        For the correct display of the days already calculated, it is necessarythat, for multiple insurance providers, all insurance providers werebilled at the same date. The following situations are generally notdisplayed correctly:
        a. Service L1 from 01/01 - 01/10, insurance provider K1 transfers 30 forthis period, and K2 70. K1 was billed up to 01/06 and K2 up to 01/08Analysis period, for example, 01/01-01/09
        b. Service L1 from 01/01 - 01/10, insurance provider K1 transfers 100from 01/01-01/06, K2 100 from 01/07-01 100%. Analysis period, forexample, 01/01-01/09

        Departmental organizational unit (ID code and name)

        • Case (number, name, admission and discharge date, if available)

        • Service (number, name, period from/to, price, number of
        • billing days, not yet billed/billed (if necessary))
          • Total departmental organizational units (total of the columns price,
          • billing days, not billed/billed (if necessary))
            • Total institution (total of the columns price, billing days, not
            • billed/billed (if necessary))
              Sorting can be carried out by case number or name. If the 'individuallisting' indicator is not set, only the totals for each departmentalorganizational unit or the sum total are output. Furthermore,(partially/finally) billed or not billed cases can be chosen separately.
              In addition to the output of successfully assigned services, a list ofnot assignable services is output; this is always sorted by the casenumber.

              A patient was admitted on 01/01 at approximately 10am, transferred on02/02 at approximately 4pm (OU change) and discharged on 02/12 atapproximately 11 o'clock. Service 1 runs from 01/01 (10am) to 02/03(midday) with the organizational units of the admission, and service 2from 01/03 (midday) to 02/02 (3pm). An evaluation from 01/01 - 01/30 forthis patient does not determine an assignment for service 1 (-> list ofthe not assignable services) and determines an assignment for service 2,restricted to the evaluation period. If no OU change would have occurredduring the transfer (for example, bed change), both services would beassigned successfully.