Programme SAP RNAB0000 - IS-H: Patient Billing

This program bills the cases that are specified by means of a selectionor entered directly. The billing run can also be restricted by certaincriteria such as:

  • Insurance provider types

  • Insurance provider

  • Certain services

  • Self-payer services

  • Certain organizational units

  • You can also select a range of other options (final billing, interimbilling, test run, save messages and so on).
    In live billing mode, the system automatically archives the invoiceswhen the form is printed. To achieve this, select Form printoutand make sure that Test print and Test billing are notselected.
    Note that the invoice can only be archived if the corresponding invoiceforms have been been activated for archiving in the IS-HImplementation Guide.

    You can use special programs (for example RNASEL00) to create caseselections.
    The customer data for the corresponding insurance provider must bemaintained in the Financial Accounting module. Furthermore, certainsystem settings must be made in the Customizing of SD, for example,with regard to price determination. Please refer to the sections in theIS-H and SD Implementation Guide. From there, you can also make thenecessarysystem settings directly.

    Depending on whether you select Print with form or Print w/oform), a SAPscript form or list is output.
    The following conditions must be satisfied for an invoice to be outputwithout error on a form:

    • If you are printing the invoice for an insurance provider, one of the
    • options Single invoice only or Single + cllct. inv. mustbe selected in the insurance provider master or in the definition ofthe insurance provider type. If single invoice print is not active forthe insurance provider, the system does not output forms. In suchcases, it issues a corresponding message.
      • Active SAPscript form

      • Form control configured in the IS-H Implementation Guide

      • For more information, please refer to the Implementation Guide underPatient Accounting -> Billing -> Explain Basics of Invoice Outputwith SAPscript.
        If form control is not configured, a list printout can be selected viaprint without form (option List output) which at leastallows a rough check of the billing documents. If you do not selectprint with form (option Form printout) the system readsthe system parameter 'RNAB_FRM' to determine whether a short or longversion of the invoice list is output(on the screen). The sort order ofthe output is also controlled by this institution-specific,time-dependent parameter. The messages generated by the program (e.g.information or error messages) can be saved to a separate file (optionSave messages) and be processed online using a special program(RNASELM0).
        The invoices created are not saved in test mode.

1498066Performance of billing
695756IS-H CH, AT: Problem w/ settlement call from case selection
168906IS-H Performance improvement patient billing
387737IS-H: Termination in case selection with immediate billing
388400IS-H CH: Fallselektion - RNAB0000-Aufruf ändern
353407IS-H: Incorrect values in VBRP-ISHPZAHL