Programme SAP RNAANZ00 - IS-H: Check Down Payments of Final Billed Cases

You can evaluate numerous final-billed cases for existing down patientrequests and down payments made. The down payment overview displays thefollowing information for each case:

  • All invoices of the case, whereby the down payments that were deducted
  • from an invoice (but not yet cleared with the invoice) are displayed.
    • Down payments you have received, but have not yet deducted from an
    • invoice
      • Down payment requests, for which you have not yet received the down
      • payment.

        The down payment overview only takes into account final-billed cases,for which down payments made or down payment requests exist.
        Down payments you have already cleared with an invoice are no longerconsidered as such by the accounting department. When clearing iscarried out, a transfer posting is made from the special G/Lreceived payments account as a credit memo to the patient'sreceivables account. Consequently, the down payment overview does notdisplay down payments that have already been cleared with the invoice.If all of the down payments of a final billed case have been clearedwith the invoices of the case, and if no down payment requests exist forthe case, the case in question is not displayed in the down paymentoverview.

        The system automatically deducts a down payment made from the invoicewhen the invoice is printed and clears the down payment with the invoiceif you selected Deduct dwn pmt and Invoice ref. in the IMGactivity Configure Down Payment in the IS-H ImplementationGuide.


        Selection Criteria
        You must specify an institution for which you want to execute the downpayment overview.
        You must also specify whether you want to execute the down paymentoverview separately for outpatient and inpatient/day patient cases, orfor all cases together. The following selection criteria are available:

        • Inpatient/day patient and outpatient cases

        • Selection by specifying a case selection or case numbers
          • Inpatient/day patient cases only:

          • Selection by admission or discharge date
            • Outpatient cases only:

            • Selection by visit date and visit type if desired

              The down payment overview outputs the following data on the selectedcases:

              • Case information

              • Invoices and the sum of existing partial cancellations

              • The system outputs the following data for each invoice:
                Billing document number
                Posting date
                Invoiced amount
                Clearing date
                Remaining amount
                If down payments exist for these invoices and these down payments havebeen deducted from, but not cleared with the invoice, the system outputsthese down payments also. In such cases, the system outputs theremaining amount for the invoice.
                The remaining amount is the invoiced amount minus the down payments(partial cancellations are also taken into account here).
                If the sum of the deducted down payments exceeds the amount invoiced forthe complete case, the system issues a message accordingly.
                • Down payments that were made, but not deducted from the invoice

                • The system issues a message informing you that down payments were madefor the case, but not deducted from the invoice.
                  • Open down payment requests

                  • For each open down payment request, the system issues a messageinforming you that down payment requests exist for the case. exist forthe case.
                    The system outputs the following information for each down paymentrequest or down payment:
                    FI document number
                    Posting date
                    You can view the long text of the messages issued by the system bypositioning the cursor on the desired message, and then choosingDisplay Long Text.
                    The system outputs selected cases which cannot be evaluated along with acorresponding message in a dialog box before displaying the down paymentoverview. You can view these messages again in the down payment overviewby choosing Got -> Messages. If you execute the downpayment overview in the background, the system writes these messages tothe job log.


                    • For example, when a payment is made, you have to clear down payments
                    • that have already been deducted from an invoice with the invoice. If thedown payment amount is greater than the invoiced amount, check whetheryou have to post a credit memo for the difference amount to thecustomer's receivables account in Financial Accounting.
                      • If down payments were made for a case for which final billing has
                      • already taken place, these down payments can no longer be deducted fromthe invoice. Check whether you have to post a credit memo for these downpayments to the customer's receivables account in Financial Accounting.
                        If, when payment is made, the customer is to reduce the invoiced amountby the down payment made, although the down payment on the invoice wasnot deducted from the invoiced amount, you can explicitly assign thedown payment to the invoice when posting the incoming payment inFinancial Accounting, and this clear it with the invoice.
                        • Down payment requests for final billed cases are in general no longer
                        • required, since an invoice has already been created for the completeinvoiced amount. You should cancel any down payment requests which stillexist for final billed cases.
                          • If you position the cursor on the rows containing case specifications,
                          • and then choose the Maintain Down Payments function key, youdirectly go to the down payment maintenance transaction. At present,when you return to the screen output, the report screen is notrefreshed.