Programme SAP RN2_RAD_FINDING_WORKPLACE - Radiology Findings Work Station


Radiology Findings Work Station

The radiology findings work station presents the radiologicalexaminations for which you will create findings. Based on their status,the system gathers these examinations in a worklist which you can adjustby using various selection criteria.
The worklist is made up findings documents that you must create andfindings documents that are not yet released. Some are indicated also as"Provisional Findings".
From the work station, you can view important documents includingdocuments for the examination.
You can also view pre-findings registered in RAD (RIS Studies)as well as findings reports, which are available in the system. If thereis a connection to an image viewer available, this will allow you toaccess the PACS Studies via the RIS Communication Client (RCC).

The worklist for examinations needing findings is comprised of the batchof radiological examinations having the status, STUDY COMPLETED.
In the Provisional Findings worklist (examinations with findingsbut not yet released) you will find radiological examinations having thestatus Provisional Findings Text or Provisional FindingsDictation (REPORT TRANSCRIBED [VT], REPORT DICTATED [VD]).
Pre-findings are all examinations with findings already in RADwith their released findings documents.

You must set up the component RAD specifically for itsdepartment. In particular, radiological examinations must have a definedstatus network and the system must automatically have created eachexamination.


The initial screen offers default settings for the findingsdocumentation and selection criteria for the worklist.

Default Settings for the Findings Documentation
Institution,,Institution, Default Setting from User Parameter EIN

Documenting Organizational Unit,,Document Publisher (Author) Defaultsetting from user parameter OED
Employee Responsible,,Documenting Employee, Findings Author Defaultsetting from user parameter VMA

Selection Criteria for the Worklist,,
Requesting Organizational Unit,,Requester
Performing Organizational Unit,,Service Performer, ex. CT
Date of Service Performance,,,,
Performing Person,,Employees Participating in the Service Performance
Display of the Entire Request,,In addition to the service selected bythe performing person, all services belonging to the request will betransferred into the worklist
Worklist as List,,Displays the worklist as a list (ALV Grid), ifselected, otherwise as a tree. Default settings from user parameterN2_RAD_ALV.

In the standard initial screen, the system sets the default for theinstitution from the user parameter EIN, the documenting OU fromthe user parameter OED, and the documenting employee from theuser parameter VMA. You can create and select your own individualvariants with your own default settings.
By selecting the checkbox Worklist as List, you can replace thetree display with an ALV grid. Doing this will set the user parameterN2_RAD_ALV.