Programme SAP RN2_MITARB_PLANSTELLE - Assignment of Employees to Positions (Table N1MAPS)

Assignment of employees to positions

You can use this report to simultaneously assign several employees toseveral positions. The update run of the report makes the correspondingassignments in table N1MAPS. If the selected employees are alreadyassigned, no re-assignment will take place.
This report is for administrators. You require authorization objectN_EINR_REP in the user master data in order to run this report.

The following can be chosen as selection parameters:
- Institution
- Organizational unit (abbreviation)
- Positions (numerical abbreviation 'from' - 'to')
- Start of validity of assignment (preset with the current date)
- End of validity of assignment (preset with 31.12.9999)
- A maximum of 12 business partners with the 'Employee' indicator

If the report is started in update mode, the selected employees areassigned to the selected positions. A list of successfully assignedemployees is displayed.