Programme SAP RN2_DOKUMENT_LEISTUNG - Assignment of Documents to Services (Table N2DL)

Assignment of document categories to services

You can use this report to simultaneously assign several documentcategories to several services. The update run of the report makes thecorresponding assignments in table N2DL. If the selected documentcategories are already assigned, no re-assignment will take place.
This report is for administrators. You require authorization objectN_EINR_REP in the user master data in order to run this report.

The following can be chosen as selection parameters:
- Institution
- Service catalog (abbreviation)
- Services (abbreviation)
- Document category (abbreviation)
- Document category version (numerical entry between 001 - 999)
- Display of document management data dialog box when 'Create Document'function is called
- Start of validity of assignment (preset with the current date)

If the report is started in update mode, the selected documentcategories are assigned to the selected services. The validity of thenew entries starts with the selected start of validity and ends on31.12.9999. A list of successfully assigned document categories isdisplayed.