This program enables experts to copy selected generated objects of thelogon system#s parameterized document categories onto another system.Execute the program in the client from which you wish transport to occur(source client). The result of this program is a transport request.
See further information on the transport of document categories in thecomponent under Enhanced Basic Data ->
Clinical Document Categories -> Parameterized DocumentCategories -> Transport of Document Categories.

The program enables you to transport selected development objects to thedocument category. This is mainly necessary, if you deliver standarddocuments and so have to transport generated objects, such as tables,function groups/reports and forms.

Data on the source
Enter which document categories from which institution you wish to placeinto a transport request.
If you transport several document categories at the same time, thereport places the current versions of each category into the transportrequest. The document category can be entered in a generic form.

Transport variants
1. Every development object for the document category (without anydefinition data)
This transport variant enables you to transport repository objects(client-independent development objects) that form part of the documentcategory definition:

  • Tables

  • Function group

  • Print application

  • Forms - either with your own, or with generated SAPscript form, or with
  • smart form.
    When you create these repository objects in the test/development systemthe SAP Change and Transport System (CTS) normally intervenes. Thereforetransport requests are created automatically, which are transported intothe production system separately.
    Before you execute the transport program, we recommend that you performa test run, especially with the transport variant with developmentobjects. As a result you obtain a list of all the objects writteninto the transport request. In the table contents you can also see thekeys in this list, in the development objects a comment, if applicable.
    2. Additional objects for the document category
    Here you can also select which development objects you wish totransport:
    • Data elements and domains

    • User exits for the document category

    • User exits for documentation elements

    • External data modules with associated DDIC structures

    • When you call the system transport, please note that no developmentobjects may be locked in other correction or repair orders and that allthe objects to be transported have to be assigned to a transportabledevelopment class. Therefore local/private objects must not be involved.
      The system does not create a transport request, if one of the objects tobe transported is locked or local/private. If there are objects of thistype, they are displayed in the log as Untransportable objects orin the test run log. Then, you either have to unlock the objectsinvolved or assign them to transportable development classes. You cancall system transport again afterwards.
      Please also note that with generated SAPscript applications it initiallyalways involves local/private objects which you have to assign to atransportable development class prior to transport. Then, you can alsomake a separate transport of the correction orders created for this,which means that you generally do not have to include the SAPscriptapplication in your system transport.
      SAPscript forms always have to be imported into the target system#simport clients.

      The system lists the document categories that were set in the transportrequest.
      You also obtain the following error or information messages:

      • Document category is not transportable (status?)

      • Document category is not defined in the source client

      • Document category does not have a definite design

      • Document category not transported: error in the abstract design

      • No authorization to transport the document category
      • Activities
        If the message 'Unauthorized call sequence of change recordinginterfaces (message number TK425)' is displayed, delete the form fromthis transport order, include it in another transport order and restartthe program.

1161788PMD: RN2UTDTS2 and RN2UTDTS3 Obsolete as of IS-H 6.00