Programme SAP RN2LOP07 - Transfer of Hierarchical Material Lists

The report RN2LOP07 transfers a material hierarchy table created withMicrosoft EXCEL into the system.

The desired material hierarchy has been entered in an Excel table. Thetable must contain all rows in the specified sequence and be saved inthe format .csv. Use a semicolon as the separator. The table has thefollowing structure:

  • Column A: Predecessor node of the current node. You must specify an
  • existing hierarchy ID in the uppermost level. You subsequently have toselect this as the hierarchy on the report selection screen. You canenter new nodes or levels of the hierarchy using the Excel table.
    • Column B: Nodes in the hierarchy for the material assignment. A node
    • must be assigned either to a predecessor node in the material hierarchyof the Excel table or to a predecessor node in the database. If the nodeis missing from the current hierarchy, the program adds it to thematerial hierarchy if there are no errors found.
      • Column C: Name of a new node. For syntax reasons, this column must not
      • be missing for existing nodes either.
        • Column D: Plant (4-digit) for the material assignment

        • Column E: Material number from MM

        • Column F: Catalog ID. If the catalog ID is missing from the hitherto
        • existing hierarchy, it is transferred from the report.
          • Column G: Medical text for the material

          • Column H: Consumption quantity of the material

          • Column I: Consumption unit of measure of the material. The program
          • checks whether the unit is permitted.
            • Column J: Approval type. The program checks whether the approval type is
            • permitted.


              • If the Test Run indicator is set, the program evaluates the table
              • and writes the messages to a result log. You cannot transfer the data,however.
                • If the Test Run indicator is not set and if no errors have
                • occurred, the program activates the Save button in the programtoolbar. If errors occur, you must correct the table data.


                  • Institution: Required entry

                  • Hierarchy: Required entry; the hierarchy must be identical with the
                  • uppermost hierarchy in column A of the first data row of the Exceltable.
                    • Catalog type: Is required if the report is to create a new material
                    • catalog.
                      • Test run: Creates a log without transferring data.

                      • Name of input file: CSV table specified as path/file. We recommend you
                      • make your selection from the value help.
                        • Process as of row: Specification of the table row number as of which the
                        • contents are to be transferred. This makes it possible to ignore columnheaders and blank rows in the table.
                          • Layout: Layouts for table output
                          • Output
                            The program displays the data imported from the Excel table in an ALVgrid. The following functions are available in the ALV grid view:

                            • To cancel processing: "Back", "Exit", and "Cancel".

                            • To transfer the data: "Save" - You have to save to transfer the data.

                            • To navigate the error list: "Log". The error messages refer to the row
                            • numbers of the Excel table in order to facilitate error correction.


                              • In create the uppermost hierarchy that you wish to supply with
                              • data from an external table.
                                • Create the table in compliance with the specified syntax and save the
                                • table as a file of the type "CSV". Make sure that you use a semicolon asthe separator.
                                  • Execute the report to import the table contents into the database. Note
                                  • that the contents are transferred into the database only after you haveexecuted the Save function.