Programme SAP RN2LOP02 - Surgery Time Stamp Statistics

Time stamp statistics allow a detailed evaluation of surgery-relevantdurations and the display of the results according to different criteria

You can restrict the evaluation by institution, surgery date,organizational unit (OU), operating room, time stamps, case type,diagnoses and surgery procedures. For the OU selection, only those ofthe 'operative area' are taken into account. For the time stampselection, only those of the type 'D' (duration) are taken into account.The system will ignore surgeries which do not have the relevant timeinformation. When selecting diagnoses only end-billed cases are takeninto account. Institution, evaluation period and time stamp are requiredentries.
You should note the selection "only main procedures" and "with secondarysurgeries" do not combine well as secondary surgeries do not containmain procedures. If you should use this combination by mistake, thedisplay of the secondary surgeries has priority for output.

You can group the evaluation by OU, time stamp, procedures or operatingroom.

Shift times
In the personnel shift times section you can enter the times for thestart and end of the regular or late shift. Times outside of the regularor late shift are considered on-call.
If the start of the regular shift contains the value 00:00:00, thismeans that the regular shift starts at 00:00. If the end of the regularshift contains the value 00:00:00, this means that no regularshift has been defined. If the regular shift is to end at midnight,enter 24:00:00 as the end of the regular shift.
If the end of the late shift contains the value 00:00:00, thismeans that no late shift has been defined. If the late shift is to endat midnight, enter 24:00:00 as the end of the late shift.
If you do not define any shift times, all fields must contain the value00:00:00. All surgeries will then be evaluated as on-call.
If you select Include Plant Calendar, the system will addSaturdays, Sundays and public holidays to on-call duty.
You use the checkbox in front of the weekdays to explicitly define thedays that the evaluation is going to take place for. You have to do thiseven if you do not define any personnel shift times. The default settingis the selection of all working days. You can however define any othercombination and save it in a selection variant. The system will notevaluate any data for a weekday which is not checked.

Depending on the selection, output is grouped according to OU, timestamp, room or procedure.
The surgery duration is calculated from the start and end time of theselected time stamp. The surgery duration is broken down within a dateaccording to personnel shift times. The statistics-relevant timeof the surgery decides which shift a surgery is in.
If a surgery belongs in the regular shift, the system calculates theduration completely for the regular shift, even if the total duration ofthe surgery exceeds the regular shift. The same procedure applies forthe other shift times (late shift, on-call).
Within the personnel shift times, the system adds surgeries belonging toan OU and operating room (no. of surgeries) and their surgery durationsare totaled. The mean value is calculated by dividing the total ofsurgery durations by the number of surgeries.
If the Include Plant Calendar indicator is set, the date ismarked with an 'F' in the display if it is a Saturday, Sunday or publicholiday.
You can branch to the surgery monitor by using the hotspot on thepatient's name.
If you do not wish to view patient details you can hide them by clickingon the Expand-Collapse Icon.