Programme SAP RN2LN211 - Relocation of Documents from the Database into a File System

All documents that were created for an institution, document categoryand version will be transferred from the database into the file system.

Institution: IS-H Institution
Document category: Document category
Document version: Version number
Directory for the documents: Path to which the documents will be
(The directory has to exist and the user must have write authorizationfor this directory).
PC transfer: X or blank space
'X' initiates downloading to the PC
' ' A transfer to the server will be executed.
Test mode: X or blank space
'X' No changes will be made, log only
' ' Data transfer will be executed.

The directory entered must be reachable either from the workstation orfrom the application server. Write authorizations must exist fordirectory.
It is recommended that the conversion be executed in the background andnot over the work station. Files can additionally be copied to theactual directory (that with the document category) being used byemploying the FTP.

Brief information about what was converted.

File name structures are as such: Example:
Document type (3) MED
Period constant (1) .
Document number (25) 1234567890123456789012345
Period constant (1) .
Document version (2) 12
Period constant (1) .
Document part (3) 123
Constant ".doc" (4) .doc
In this case, an example of the file name could be as follows:
The directory entered is at the beginning of the file name.
After conversion, the path must be entered with the document category.After this conversion, the files transferred can be copied withoperating system tools to the true path which is set with the documentcategory.