Programme SAP RN2LN205N - Application Server Directory Files Utility

Server Utility. Transaction N2UX
All directories can be displayed for which there is read authorizationon the application server. The program parameter Start with theDirectory: determines the entry point for the function DisplayDirectory. If no entry takes place, it is started with theroot-directory.
If a directory is displayed, then the following functions areavailable:

Display File:
The file, on which the cursor is positioned, is displayed in the ASCIImode. The first column is blank, followed by an output with a linelength of 78 bytes. If a line is longer such that a line break occurs,then this will be indicated in the first column by a greater thancharacter (>). If a line in the file is larger than 32000 bytes, thenfurther characters up to the line end (HEX 0D) are not displayed. Avertical line restricts the right edge.

Display Hex:
The file, on which the cursor is positioned, is displayed in the HEXmode. In each case 24 bytes are displayed in ASCII in the left area,and in the HEX mode in the right area.

The file, on which the cursor is positioned, is processed in the ABAPword processor. It should be noted that a line can have a maximum of 72characters. All longer lines are truncated. In the Editor, the usermust save it (F11), and only then saving will take place for themodified file, other wise, the modifications will be rejected withoutwarning.

New File:
In the directory that is currently displayed, the ABAP Editor iscalled. If after entering text (F11), the system executes a save, thena request for entering a file name will appear. This file name maycontain a maximum of 35 characters. The input must take place without adirectory. It is always stored in the current (displayed) directory.There, a write authorization must exist.
The directory displayed is sorted in ascending order after the columnwhere the cursor is positioned. The default sorting order is: Mode(ascending), file name (ascending), time (descending).

The displayed directory is read again and brought up to the currentstatus

The file on which the cursor is positioned, is deleted without furtherreturn queries. (A directory cannot be deleted.)

What is on the screen is currently being sent to the printer (reportlisting).

Send File:
The file, on which the cursor is positioned, is sent to the front-end.An input display follows for inputting the file name. Thefull-qualified file name of the host is displayed as a default. Thisfile name is to be modified in such a way that it is admissible for thelocal file system.

Retrieve File:
In the directory that is currently displayed, a file can be placed fromthe local front end. First, the request for input for the local filename takes place. Then the transfer takes place, whereas afterwards thefile name for the host is requested. The input of the file name mustthen take place without directory with a maximum 35 characters.

Up Directory:
Branching takes place in the directory structure upwards by one level.The same effect is achieved when double-clicking (line selection) onthe characters "." and ".." in the file name field. The command F3"back" has the same result.

Edit/Change Directory:
The input request takes place for the directory to which the systemshould switch. Only the directory without CD must be indicated. Thisindicated directory must exist, otherwise a warning takes place thatthis directory does not exist. The display of the directories is thenincorrect, until you indicate an admissible directory with the commandChange directory. No specification branches into the root directory.

Permitted host commands can be terminated. These commands are limitedto one line and may not wait for their part for a further input. Adialog is not possible and commands cannot be terminated with CTRL D.The result of the command (stdout) is displayed on the screen. Thecommand always operates from the "default work" directory (determinewith pwd).
Caution: A process is linked to commands such as "vi" or "transmit"!
These processes cannot be canceled. The dialog process operates andcannot be deleted with /nsm04 (delete mode). The relevant work processmust be restarted or a timeout must be allowed to elapse.

Cannot be used in the background (as a batch)

Dependent on the relevant mode

Initial screen without entry, the /usr/sap directory will be displayed.From there the user can further navigate.