Programme SAP RN2LN204N - Management of Document Templates and PC Programs

Management of the PC Templates for a Document Category. Here, you canstore "Template" and "Document" which are stored for a PC Dokument usingthe path/file name at the PC-level in a database table.
The system will access this table if it cannot find the file stored forthe document category when creating a new document.
Since this program stores PC objects in the SAP database, this type ofintermediate storing enables the central management of PC objects byusing local netowork constraints.
For maintenance puroposes, a list of the stored objects appears. There,you can delete entries, download objects to the PC and retreive filesfrom the PC. For loading files, the system stores each path in thedatabase.
In the path entry fields, you cannot leave any field blank. The maximumlength is 128 Bytes.

List of the stored file names