Programme SAP RN2LFALN - Medical Specialist Experience Record

Here individual employees can display which surgeries (operations) theyparticipated in and what function they carried out. In order to obtainrecognition as a medical specialist, the physician must prove thathe/she has performed a certain number of surgeries for which he/she hasbeen responsible.
Checking the checkbox with surgical assignment, only theprocedures will be diplayed that are directly assigned to the employee.
The assignment of the team member to the procedure is recorded in thesurgical documentation.

924412Surgical Evaluation: Specialist Service Certificate RN2LOP06
618340IS-H*MED: Save Surgery Doc. Content Before Upgrade to 4.7x
720861RN2SASKL and RN2LFALN for 4.71 or 4.72 (New Customers)