Programme SAP RN2KUMDRUCK2 - Cumul.Findings Composite Print, All Patients in Institution

You can print cumulative findings for all patients located in aninstitution at the printing time.

Only users who belong to the program authorization group N_2_LAB1 canexecute this program.

If you do not input Cumulative Findings, the system will use thestandard print option delivered. The code for the cumulative findingscomprises the fields - institution, requesting OU, and the ID for thecumulative findings.
In the Processing Mode, you can specify which lab values toprint:

  • Only New Findings: This will only print the findings of the case
  • for which a lab value has been changed.
    • All Findings when Modifying: As soon as there is a new/changed
    • lab value for a case, this will print all findings for the case. Thisfunction already exists in 4.03A under the title "All Patients of theOU".
      • All Findings: This will print all findings for cases in the
      • institution.
        You can specify whether the Print Indicator will be set. Theprint indicator is necessary for enabling you to filter out changed ornew lab values when printing again. With the first two print functions("Only New Findings" and "All Findings when Modifying"), the systemwill evaluate the print indicator and underline all new and changed labvalues.

        You must input an Institution. In addition, you can printcumulative findings for outpatient cases, where you have selected theappropriate Additional Movements.

        The printing will take place according to the OU and, if within the OU,then according to the name of the patient.

        If you call the program in the batch via job, the printing parametersmust include the parameter of the job. The system will not read theprinting parameters of the work organizer management function in thebatch.