Programme SAP RN2GL_RP_RDEC - pathways: Evaluation of Decision Process

This evaluation determines the frequency of decision steps and answers.It also shows how often a decision was made earlier, on schedule orlater than planned.
You can reconstruct the decision process for a treatment pathway bymeans of this report.
This evaluation answers questions, such as:

  • Is the modeled pathway too complex?

  • Won't some strings of the graph run?
  • Prerequisites
    The treatment pathway contains items of the Decision type.

    Data is displayed absolutely and percentually.
    From the list you can go to:

    • the graphics

    • clinical information

    • the list of the treatment pathway's items
    • Selection
      You call this evaluation for one version of a treatment pathway.

      The percentage figures always relate to the values of the line.
      Decisions are not considered which were not created by the system orwere automatically made by the system.
      No decision steps are created if decisions in the pathway are locatedafter another decision and the patient pathway did not process thisbranch or if the patient pathway was not yet completely created.
      Decisions are automatically made if a patient pathway has beenterminated and the decision step was still open at that time point.
      This evaluation can supply inconsistent data in a test system withtreatment pathways in checked status(i.e. not yet active),because it is possible to change the structure of a treatment pathwaythere.