Programme SAP RN2GL_MIGRATE - Pathways: Conversion

Necessary changes, mandated by continuing development, are made to thedataset of pathways using the program RN2GL_MIGRATE.
You only need to execute the program if you have already used i.s.h.medpathways prior to the change.

You may only execute the program once in Change Data mode.

The main category does not exist.
The category set does not exist.

The institution is needed for determining the system parameter.
You enter the main category to be created and used for the migration bythe system in the field group main category.
You enter the category set to be created and used for the migration bythe system in the field group category set.
With the field group Prefix you specify which prefixes are usedwhen creating the categories for the category catalog.

The program makes the following changes.

Customizing data

  • Creation of a main category

  • Creation of a category set as a standard category set.

  • Note category data transfer into the category catalog.

  • Data transfer of reasons for rescheduling in category catalog

  • Data transfer of the note categories from the category catalog into the
  • category set for comment step
    • Data transfer of the reasons for rescheduling from the category catalog
    • into the category set for change start time and reschedule pathway.
      • Data transfer from the system parameter N2GCAREA into the category set
      • for settings for reject step.

        Runtime data

        • Addition to patient pathways and steps of data relevant for evaluation,
        • such as assignment month or duration of pathway processing.
          • For the patient pathways created so far the following activities are
          • subsequently produced:
            assign pathway
            postpone start time
            reschedule pathway
            terminate pathway
            end pathway
            confirm step
            reject step
            make decision
            continue pathway
            comment step
            • Data transfer of the notes in comments and establishment of the link to
            • an activity. The comments are created as comments on step
              Note: Some data is not contained in the activities produced by thisreport, since they are only entered as of the current level ofdevelopment. They are listed here for your information:
              • Documenting organizational unit

              • Main categories and categories for other activities than comment
              • step und reschedule pathway
                • Date of the activity postpone start time, the planned time of the
                • start step is entered for the activity time instead.
                  • Date of the activity reschedule pathway, the new planned time of
                  • the step is entered for the activity time instead.