Programme SAP RN2DS_FB_EXTRACT_PMD - Download Cardiology Data (Document Content)

This report imports all relevant tables with content which correspondsto the selection criteria and exports this into the specified filedirectory e.g. for an evaluation in a Microsoft Access® database.
The report creates one text file for each table.

This report is part of the cardiology component, whichrequires a separate license.

You have installed a database or another analysis tool, into which youcan import a text file with the exported data.


The following selection parameters are available for controlling theexecution of the report:

  • Institution

  • Document category

  • Version

  • Date

  • You restrict the data to be exported using the creation date of thedocument.
    You should note that a selection over a long period of time will requirea long response time and is also a substantial burden for the database.
    • With subtables (one file per table)

    • You check whether you also wish to export the secondary tables of thedocument.
      • Field headings

      • Field names
        Dialog labels
        Data elements
        You check which data field headers should be displayed. Multiplechecking is possible, accordingly there are one or more header rows.
        • Separator

        • Tabulator
          Other character
          The tabulator is set as the default separator between the fields.However, you can also select another separator. Ensure that you specifya character whic is not used in the data.
          • Local directory for download

          • You specify the path for the text file, which is created when the datais exported.


            The tables are displayed as a text file (table name.csv).
