Programme SAP RN1_CORRECT_WRONG_NTMN - Correction of Appointment Data with Movement Reference

The report corrects appointment data in table NTMN referring to thesequence number of the movement. If there are data records in table NAPPwith a movement sequence number which is missing in table NTMN, thisdata can then be corrected using the report.
Note that you must execute the report if you already have the clinicalsystem (or the component) with release 6.00 in use before Patch 07. Ifyou have the clinical system (or the component) in use only after Patch07 of release 6.00, the execution of the report is notmandatory/necessary.

The report determines appointments in table NAPP linked to a movement(NAPP-LFDNR is filled), but which have no movement number (NTMN-TMNLBis empty) in table NTMN.
The data is selected based on the institution and the time intervalwhich you enter in the selection screen. For performance reasons pleaseenter a shorter period, e.g. one week.
If you do not check the box 'Correct Data', the report presents the datafound (appointment ID (NTMN-TMNID), patient number (NTMN-PATNR),appointment creation date (NTMN-ERDAT), patient name ((NPAT-NNAME andNPAT-VNAME), case number from NTMN (NTMN-FALNR), case number from NAPP(NAPP-FALNR), current movement from NAPP (NAPP-LFDNR) and the current m
ovement from NTMN (NTMN-TMNLB) without correcting it (test run).
If you check the box 'Correct Data', the report copies the number of thecurrent movement from the NAPP record in the box for the number of thecurrent movement in the NTMN record and corrects the NTMN data(production run). The report outputs information about the success ofthe correction.


  • Institution

  • Date: Appointment creation date. Enter a smaller period, e.g. one week.

  • Checkbox 'Correct Data': Do you wish to change/cancel the incorrect
  • appointments