Programme SAP RN1_CORRECT_N1VKG_REQCOMPID - Correction Report for Radiology Documents in Clin. Order

When case revision is performed or the collective order is used thesystem may create the wrong link between the order item of the clinicalorder and the related radiological documents.
This correction report corrects the entries in the tables N1VKG (fieldsREQCOMPID and REQCOMPNR) and NDOC (field ANFID) and thus recreates thecorrect link.

You can run the report in test mode. In test mode, the system does notchange the data.

The output list contains the corrected entries of the tables N1VKG(fields REQCOMPID and REQCOMPNR) and NDOC (field ANFID).
We recommend that you save the output list to be able to trace thechanges that were made at any time.

1237763Clinical Order: Incorrect Connection Radiological Documents