Programme SAP RN1_CORRECT_CORDTYP - Correction Program for Order Types in IS-H

The XPRA "RN1UTL49" migrates the preregistration types to an admissionorder type and a treatment order type respectively.
In the process, a service component was oftentimes incorporated into anadmission order type. This, however, is not correct since the movementcategory 1 (inpatient admission) is defined for an admission order typeand services should not be entered for this.
The program is client-independent and changes the data in all of theIS-H clients in the system.


  • Test Run

  • When you set this indicator the program does not make any changes in thedatabase.
    • List Output

    • When you set this indicator the program lists the changed order types.

      The program deletes the service component from the order type in IS-H.