Programme SAP RN1_CANCEL_DOUBLE_APPS - Appt Cancellation: Multiple Appts for an Outpatient Visit

This correction report selects outpatient visits to which multipleappointment are erroneously assigned.
When a planned service is performed (only in the Performfunction), appointments without a service reference have been generatedbecause the system erroneously created a second appointment at theperformance date/time. The system linked both appointments with themovement created at performance, but the service is correctly linkedonly with the originally planned appointment.
The correction report lists the appointments that do not have a servicereference. After checking these appointments, you can cancel them in alive run.


  • Institution

  • Entry Date of the Outpatient Visit

  • Note that this error was delivered with SAP Note 1261593 (ClinicalPatient Management: Appointment for Follow-Up Visit. In accordance withthe release of this Note, the system presets the From Date (entry dateof the outpatient visit) on the initial screen of this report with14.10.2008.
    To avoid a long runtime and to obtain a legible overview of the data, werecommend that you select a short period, for example, a week.
    • Test Run checkbox

    • Cancellation Reason

    • Employee Responsible
    • Output
      The report displays the following information:

      • Appointment ID (NTMN-TMNID)

      • Patient Number (NTMN-PATNR)

      • Case Number (NTMN-FALNR)

      • Sequence Number of Movement (NTMN-TMNLB)

      • Planned Org. Unit (NTMN-TMNOE)

      • Appointment Date/Time (NTMN-TMNDT and NTMN-TMNZT)

      • Cancellation Indicator (NTMN-STORN - the report sets this indicator
      • automatically)
        • Comment (in a live run the system displays an error message if this
        • appointment cannot be canceled).