Programme SAP RN1ME_IMP_BDCC_AGENT - Medication: Import External Formularies

Transferring an external drug catalog including agents and theassignment of agents to drugs.

The drugs of the imported drug catalog can be transferred to thein-house catalog.

The master data of the catalog to be imported must also be maintained.
The logical file paths and names
ISH_MED_ME_IMPORT_BDCC for the drug catalog
ISH_MED_ME_IMPORT_AGENT for the agent catalog and
ISH_MED_ME_IMPORT_BDCCAGENTA for the assignment of agents to drugs
must be maintained.
When using the standard implementation, all three files must exist asExcel files in csv-format with semicolons as field separators.

The key of the drug catalog to be imported is a required entry.
The transfer type is a required entry.
When using the standard implementation the proposed value of thetransfer type can be transferred. Only one transfer type is implemented.
By starting the test run it is possible to test the transfer of drugcatalogs; the data set is not changed.
In the detailed transfer log, all supplied catalog entries are displayedwith the action executed. This variant should only be used whenimporting changes. The normal transfer log contains only records whichcontain errors.

One transfer log each is displayed for the transferred drugs, agents,and ingredients.

Catalog entries are created, changed, or deleted.
A catalog entry is identified using the unique key of the external drugcatalog.