Programme SAP RN1LST00 - Modified Data Transfer for Services

IS-H: Modified Data Transfer for Services

This report is used to import services from batch input folders.
As of Release 4.71 this report will no longer be maintained. Thisconcerns the medical and radiological enhancements to the service masterdata (tables N1TPM, N1TPP, N1TPLOK, N1TPTA and N1TPLAB).
There are already alternative methods (some of which have been availablesince Release 4.03) of transferring service master data:

  • in client 000 various catalogs with services are delivered, which can be
  • transferred to the production system, for example, the PR catalog thegroup services for PPR classification.
    • with the reports RN1LSTEXP and
    • RN1LSTIMP you can export service master data to atext file and then import to a target system. This is especially usefulif you wish to transfer services to subsequent systems (e.g. from thedevelopment system to the production system).
      • IS-H provides BAPIs for creating (BAPI_HCSRVCAT_ADDITEM) and changing
      • (BAPI_HCSRVCAT_CHANGEITEM) service master data. You can use BAPIBAPI_MEDSRVCAT_CHANGEITEM for adding medical enhancements.
