Programme SAP RMPS_PUTAWAY_DELETE - Delete Temporary Objects

Using this program, you can delete all temporary objects with an expiredresidence time in accordance with the selection criteria specified.
Temporary objects are documents of low importance. It is not necessaryto store them in a record or case (seePSRM terminology) for a long period.The residence timedescribes this period in the number of years temporary objects areretained before they can be destroyed.The entry date of the documents is used tocalculate the residence time of temporary objects.

The residence time for temporary objects must be defined in Customizingfor each "Records Management System".
You require authorization for the activity "DELP" for the authorizationobject PS_RMPSGEN to delete temporary objects.

When the temporary items have been selected, the result of the selection
is displayed and you can mark individual or all temporary objects andthen delete them. The temporary objects are deleted as well as theirentries in a record or case. Links to these temporary objects are alsodeleted.

Th duration of one year is set as the residence time of temporaryobjects in Customizing. You execute this program on 12/12/2002. Then theprogram deletes all documents flagged with the attribute TemporaryObjects with an entry date before 12/12/2001.