Programme SAP RMMMBESTN - Stock Overview: Company Code/Plant/Storage Location/Batch

1550937MMBE: Print output in background w/o selection parameters
1129868You execute MMBE in background and prog termination occurs
1023898MMBE: Termination OBJECTS_OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED w/ direct prnt
966461MMBE: Problems with lower cases letters for units of measure
974699MMBE: Unwanted selection data for MRP area
969929MMBE: Invalid selection data for MRP area
964289MMBE: incorrect sort sequence for storage locations
871620MMBE: Print output without current selection parameters
956968MMBE: Problems when you select by MRP area
952433MMBE: GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED term. when stock display executed
946565Valuated GR Blocked stock does not appear in MMBE
902020Double-clicking a row in the stock overview
875658MMBE: Selection of allowed units of measure does not work
867986MMBE: Decimal places not displayed according to UoM