Programme SAP RMMMBEST - Stock Overview: Company Code/Plant/Storage Location/Batch

The stock overview provides you with an overview of the stocks of amaterial at all organizational levels. This distinguishes it from thePlant Stock and Storage Location Stock views in thematerial master which provide an overview of the stocks only at aparticular plant or storage location.
You can access the stock overview from the Material Masterscreen by choosing Other -> Stock overview. On the screenthat appears, you enter the relevant material. You can also enterselection criteria to restrict the overview.
Under List display, you are required to specify a
display version. Under Selectdisplay levels, you can restrict the stocks displayed in the basiclist to specific organizational levels.


Basic List
The basic list appears when you choose Execute, and provides anoverview of the stocks at all existing organizational levels accordingto your selection criteria. You can navigate from one window to thenext in the stock overview by choosing Right columns or Leftcolumns accordingly.

Breakdown List
If you want to display only the stocks at a particular organizationallevel, position the cursor on the appropriate line in the basic listand choose Breakdown next level. The breakdown list appears. Itprovides an overview of the stocks at the organizational level selectedand at the next level down according to your database selectioncriteria.

In either of these lists, you can display the following details bypositioning the cursor on an organizational level or stock type andchoosing Choose:

  • Stock at a particular organizational level

  • Example
    You want to display all existing stocks in plant 0001. You can do thisin either the basic list or breakdown list by positioning the cursor onthe stock line for plant 0001 and choosing Choose. A dialog boxappears in which the stock quantities are listed by stock type forplant 0001.
    • Details on a stock type

    • Example
      You want to display all the vendors for a consignment material. You cando this in either the basic list or breakdown list by positioning thecursor on the Vendor consignment line and choosing Choose
      . A dialog box appears in which the individual consignment stocks ofthe material are listed by vendor.

      Displaying the Batch Classification
      On the stock lines from batch level downwards, you can display theclassification for the respective batch by positioning the cursor onthe appropriate stock line and choosing Extras -> Batchclassification.

      Displaying Stocks in Alternative Units of Measure
      You can display the stocks of the material in an alternative unit ofmeasure by entering the unit in the Unit of measure field in thestock overview header and choosing New selection. You candisplay the alternative units of measure that have been defined for thematerial by choosing Extras -> Units allowed.

      Switching to a Different Material
      From the stock overview, you can display an overview for anothermaterial by entering the material concerned in the Materialfield in the stock overview header and choosing New selection.

966461MMBE: Problems with lower cases letters for units of measure
747469Conversion to SAP List Viewer - ERP Operations ECC 5.00
526648Vendor consignment stock sum is doubled in stock overview
453162MMBE: Reservations (vendor consignment) displayd incorrectly
433189MMCL: Addition to standard note 422295
425471IS OIL: Incorrect plant level data in stock overview
412858IS OIL: Vendor consignment stock displayed only in base UoM
394330IS-OIL: Small corrections in stock overview