Programme SAP RMILL_CUT_GENERATE_FIELDS - Determine All Fields Belonging to MILL_CUT

Setup of Field Selection List for Cutting Processing

You use the program to set up a list of screen fields for cuttingprocessing. The list contains control data needed for the transactionfield selection.

You can copy the list manually to Include LMILL_CUTSMG. To this end,you can store the list in a local file (choose List -> Save -> File).You must store the list unconverted.
You can then copy the contents of the file to Include LMILL_CUTSMG

Changes to the Include LMILL_CUTSMG are modifications and areentirely the responsibility of the person who makes them.
Certain changes of this type may mean that you can no longer accesstransaction MILL_CUT.
Abap_ken,,include programs