Programme SAP RMEBEIN4 - Automatic Document Adjustment: Create Worklist

This report enables you to generate the worklist for automatic documentadjustment.


  • Limiting by selection criteria:

  • You can use selection parameters to limit the document categories thatare to be processed and the period for condition changes.
    • Reading of change pointers:

    • The system reads all change pointers (condition changes) and comparesthem with the Customizing settings for the document index and yourselection criteria (change period). A worklist of condition changesthat may necessitate document adjustment is stored for each documentcategory. The other reports use the data of this worklist.
      Since the change pointers do not depend on the document category,creation of the worklist on a multi-document-category basis bringsconsiderable performance advantages. The change pointers only have tobe read once.
      • Flag change pointers for reorganization:

      • The processed condition changes (change pointers) are flagged forreorganization, i.e. if the program is run again, these changes countas having been completed (deletion flag) and are not processed again.
        • Flag all change pointers for reorganization:

        • All condition changes (change pointers) are flagged for reorganization,irrespective of which condition changes and document categories wereprocessed. If the program is run again, these changes count ascompleted and cannot be processed a second time.
          • You should only set this indicator if you are sure that all relevant
          • documents and document types have been processed (i.e. that theremaining data is of no further interest to you).
            • Process change pointers flagged for reorganization:

            • If you set this indicator, the system accesses all condition changes(change pointers) that have been flagged for reorganization. Thesimultaneous processing of change pointers with and without a deletionflag in one program run is not possible.
              The report can of course be run in the background. Create a variant andschedule the report for background processing. If necessary, you shouldeven do this on a cyclical basis in order to always have an up-to-dateworklist.

              You receive a log containing any messages that may have been issued.

428713NI041 w/ document categry 55(POS outbound)+02(load building)