Programme SAP RMEBEIN2 - Mass Adjustment of Documents Due to Changes in Conditions

This report allows you to automatically adjust purchasing documents(purchase orders and scheduling agreements) and pricing documents inline with changes in conditions.
The report is intended for (automatic) mass changes. You will findadditional reports with further selection options for both purchasingdocuments and pricing documents.


  • For automatic document adjustment, you must make the relevant settings
  • in Customizing. The system logs all the relevant purchasing documentsand pricing documents, and can therefore determine all the documentsaffected by a condition change.
    • Purchasing documents can only be processed if no follow-on documents
    • (goods receipts, invoice receipts) exist for them.
      • Before you run the report, you must run report RMEBEIN4

      • (creation of worklist for automatic document adjustment).

        If you do not enter any selection parameters on the selection screen,the system determines all purchasing documents for which conditionshave changed. You can limit this selection by entering selectionparameters.
        Note: If you select a document item, e.g. by entering amaterial or material group, the system selects the whole document.
        The system checks whether conditions have changed, and if so, makes therelevant changes to the price determination data. Once the report hasbeen run, a log is available containing the messages that occurred.
        You can use the price determination type to determine the type ofautomatic change. For further details, see the input help for the pricedetermination type field
        Note: The price determination type affects the runtime.
        In the "Control data" field group, you can make the following settings:

        • Manually select worklist to be processed:

        • The system displays a list of documents that match your selectioncriteria and for which conditions have changed. In this list, you canselect the documents that you want to process.
          • Only display worklist to be processed:

          • The system displays a list of documents that match your selectioncriteria and for which conditions have changed. This list is forinformation only, i.e. you cannot process the documents.
            • Delete worklist after processing:

            • Once the condition changes have been made, the worklist is deleted,i.e. if you run the program again, the condition changes are marked ascomplete, and are not considered again. Condition changes are onlydeleted if all the documents have been processed in the program run.
              • Delete worklist in full:

              • Once the documents have been adjusted, the whole worklist is deleted,regardless of which condition changes and documents were processed inthe program run. If you run the program again, all condition changesincluded in the worklist are marked as complete and cannot be processedagain.
                Note: You should only select this indicator if you are sure thatall the relevant purchasing documents have been processed, i.e. theremaining documents do not require processing.
                • Create change messages for purchasing documents:

                • If you select this indicator, messages are created using SAPscript forthe condition changes. You can then print these out (for example) andsend them to the vendor for information.
                  You can run the report in the background. To do this, create a variantand schedule the report for background processing.