Programme SAP RMDMULTILEVELDELAY - Multilevel Delay Calculated via Order Report

This report calculates delay times for sales order or sales order itemson a multilevel basis and makes the results available to the
Business Package for the Production Supervisor for ERP 2007.
Information on the calculation of the multilevel delay is available inthe documentation on the order report for materialrequirements planning.
SAP recommends scheduling the report as a regularly running job. Thereport can be scheduled using transaction MDML.


  • SAP recommends carrying out a multilevel MRP run for the affected
  • materials prior to starting this report. As a result, the delay timesare calculated based on the current planning situation.
    • The report can only take account of sales orders that are relevant to
    • MRP.

      Note that performance problems are liable to occur if too many salesorders have to be processed. For this reason, ensure you make a
      ppropriate use of the selection criteria:

      • Material

      • Plant

      • MRP area

      • MRP controller

      • Created on

      • Date on which a sales order was generated.
        • Delivery date

        • Delivery date of a schedule line.
          • Delivery priority

          • Delivery priority assigned to a sales order item.
            • Ordering party

            • Ordering party
              • Sales document

              • Number of a sales order.
                • Item (SD)

                • Item of a sales order.
                  • Cleanup interval (h)

                  • When the report is run , all records created before the specified numberof hours are deleted. However, only those records that also satisfy theselection criteria entered are deleted.
                    • Profile order report

                    • You must enter a profile for the order report of material requirementsplanning. You can define a profile in Customizing for MaterialRequirements Planning ( Production -> Material Requirements Planning-> Evaluation -> Define Profiles for Order Report). TheMultilevel Delay indicator must be set in theselected profile.

                      After the report has run, the result is outputted as a table. If thereport has run as a job, messages of the report can be viewed in thelog. The results of the report are stored in a spool request.