Programme SAP RMCVNEUT - Stat. Setup of Info Structures from Old Shipment Documents

The program RMCVNEUT serves the purpose of resetting the statisticaldata of the Shipment Information System. It reads the transfer ordersand updates the statistically relevant data as if the shipment documenthad just been entered.

General Function Description
The program reads shipment documents according to the selection on theselection screen and initiates the statistics update. In comparison toonline updating where version 000 is written, you can define your ownversion. In this way, the restructuring can take place without theexisting actual data having to be overwritten.
During the restructuring you can decide whether the updating group isto be re-determined. In this case, the system would include the currentCustomizing settings. The newly determined updating group can be copiedback into the shipment document.

  • Limiting the Run Time

  • This program allows you to enter a time by which the program is to befinished. If you are planning to run the program for the weekend, forexample, the program can be finished on Monday morning before startingproductive operation (if it has not finished on time).
    • Blocking Shipment Documents

    • To prevent shipment documents from being changed during therestructuring, you can block them.
      • Error Recovery

      • If an incorrect shipment document is processed during the restructuringprocess, a corresponding entry is created in the log with the documentnumber and the reason for the error. The statistics data for thisdocument is not updated. You can specify the maximum number oftolerated errors.
        • Tip

        • If you wish to check the correctness of the restructuring, you canevaluate the first version using the standard analysis before you copythe data (with report RMCSISCP) into the actual version 000.

          The report should be started in batch mode only.

624704Locking of handling units in shipment not required
183654Missing update simulation/log and new setup