Programme SAP RMCVNEUF - Statistical Setup from Old Documents: Billing Docs

Program RMCVNEUF is used to set up the sales information structures. Itreads the billing documents and updates the statistically relevant dataas if it had just been created. The only difference between this andonline creation is that the statistical data is not directly availablein the Sales Information System; instead, it is transferred to SIS onrequest. This ensures that the quality of the data does not suffer ifan error occurs in setting it up.
Program RMCVNEUF processes both archived billing documents and thosethat are still resident in the system.

General Function Description
The program reads the documents indicated on the selection screen andinitiates statistics updating. The difference between this and thecreation of a billing document online is that the statistical data isstored under version (field VRSIO) "000" when the informationstructures are updated online, and under the version which you defineon the selection screen when the information structures are being setup. Version "000" is the version from which the Sales InformationSystem draws its data. This means that your previous data is stillavailable after you have run program RMCVNEUF. The old data is notreplaced by the new data until later. This step in the setting upprocess is described in the documentation on sales informationstructures. You can specify whether the program updates the documentsit has processed in such a way that the currently determined updategroup is entered in the billing document. This has the advantage thatany subsequent change to a billing document takes place according tothe same rules as the setup process. Archived documents are notupdated since this would use up too many resources, and since archiveddocuments are not normally changed anyway.

Special Functions

  • Run time limitation

  • The program allows you to specify when processing will finish. Forexample, if it runs at the weekend, you can decide to end processing onMonday morning when online operations resume. This is particularlyimportant if all billing documents have been blocked (see below). Youcan specify whether the program will terminate with an error message,or whether the job will end normally. Termination may be desirable ifother actions are expected to follow on from successful execution ofthe program.
    The processing status is stored, independently of whether or not theprogram terminated abnormally, under the name you enter in table TMCW1.
    • Blocking all billing documents

    • To prevent billing documents from being changed while the informationstructures are being set up, select "Block all billing documents?". Fortest purposes, however, you may wish to leave this field unselected.
      • Redetermination of the update group

      • You can specify whether the update group will be redetermined for thedocuments processed during setting up. If so, this will be done inaccordance with the settings made in the Sales and Distributionconfiguration menu.
        • Error handling

        • If the program finds a faulty document (for example, the customer inthe billing document no longer exists), it writes the document and thecause of the error to the batch log and no updating takes place. Youcan define the number of erroneous documents that the program isallowed to find before it terminates with an error message. It is agood idea to start by running the program with a low number oftolerated, erroneous documents. In this way, universal errors (such asa company code that no longer exists) can be quickly identified.
          • Note

          • If you want to examine the data obtained by the setting up of aninformation structure before copying it to the "actual version", youcan use the standard analyses. Include the paramter "MCR" in your usermaster record and, as its value, enter the version you want to look at.Now run the standard analysis that evaluates the information structure.The data you see is the data generated by the setting up process. Nowdelete the parameter "MCR" from your user master record.
            If your user master record contains a setting for this parameter, thesystem issues a message accordingly when you run a standard analysis.
            • The program should be executed in batch mode only.

            • It is essential that you follow the steps for setting up sales
            • information structures as described in the SAP documentation.
              For Release 2.1 A, you need to convert table VBFA (document flow) froma cluster table into a transparent table.

1597098Missing data in info structures or standard analyses
1597097Incorrect data in info structures or standard analyses
104003OLIME & OLIKW updated incorly. dng. reorganization
651162Reorganization of S140: additional information
500729SIS/BW: Improved performance during reorganization
435758SIS: Incorrect update after changing statistics currency
183654Missing update simulation/log and new setup
428294Composite SAP note Logistics Extractn PI 2001.1 & PI 2001.2
449046SIS: Simulation not equal to reorganization
94542Reorganiz.: Background results not same as foreground ones
437412LIS and BW setup with inconsistent documents
13019Comment on the reorganization of SIS info structures
369845SIS: Reorganizatn - terminatn background processing
19056SIS reorganization: Shorter runtimes by parallel processing
403655SIS: No document update during reorganization
174134SIS: Collective note - reorganization
201207BW Content SD/LE:Unnecssry new setup InfoStruc.
339995PI-2000.1/2: No parallel processing in setup!
176163BW setup S260 - S264 with error messages
174141SIS: Collective note - Customizing
181520SIS: Local currency conversion for setup from archive
179385RIS: Procedure resetup - performance
202659Missing secondary indices for info structures
141662SIS: Update of intercompany billing
137822SIS reorganization: Interval selection for archive runs
142349SIS: Messages M2206 - 211 during the reorganization
34232MCLIPS-AP*** and MCVBRP-AP*** fields not filled