Programme SAP RMCSV3VB - U3 update

By executing the report RMCSV3VB, the U3 update is started.
The U3 update is the time-independent update of statistical data
in the various information systems. It will be determined which
information structures should be updated per U3 update.
Then, a check is made to see if an information structure
belongs to an application. The function modules for the U3
update, depending on the application, are determined and
processed using the Report RSM13005.

The type of update (U1, U2 or U3 update) must be assigned to an
information structure. To do this, you must set the corresponding
update parameters.

Transaction OMO1 (configuration of the update parameters forinformation structures in Sales and Distribution - Application 01)

1597100Deadlocks or lockwaits during the statistics update
372342V3 update: Update records with COLL.RUN Init
188368Deadlocks in the LIS