Programme SAP RMCSBWXP_COM - XPRA for Logistics Extract Structure Changes

During a plug-in upgrade, this XPRA executes the comparison of recentlydelivered fields from SAP in logistics extraction structures againstthose fields received by customers with the logistics extractionstructure customizing cockpit.
In particular, all fields received after PI(-A) 2002.1 are generatedinto the extraction structure through this XPRA. Therefore, a smoothexecution in the XPRA phase of an upgrade is necessary for the Logistic-BW extraction to function properly.
For the time being, this replaces the application-specific XPRAs thatexisted for this purpose, according to the RSCSBWXP template.
Application-specific changes to the XPRA are not permitted. To controlthis on the part of SAP, the TMCEXPRA system table is available.

Because the XPRA run leads to changes in DDIC, the entries for V3updates, extraction queues and reconstruction tables (setup tables) haveto be processed or deleted. For more detailed instructions, see theOSS.

Warnings appear when there are activation errors or missingprerequisites.
In this case, the XPRA has to be run again after removing the cause ofthe error (see the longtexts in the log and the respective OSS notes)and before a productive start.

See example entries in TMCEXPRA.

748759Upgr. SAP R/3 Enterprise 47x200 SR1 with PI/PI-A/SLL_PI
700779Upgrading SAP ECC 500/600 with PI/PI-A/SLL_PI
865254AUSBS, AUSVN, AUZTB, AUZTV missing in 2LIS_17_I0NOTIF / 18
863689Missing fields in 2LIS_05_QE1 and 2LIS_05_QE2
766603Activation problems with extract structures
651522XPRA RMCSBWXP_COM: Business Content incomplete
681187AUSBS, AUSVN, AUZTB & AUZTV fields missing in ext. structure
640066Upgrade: Return code 6 with XPRA RMCSBWXP_COM
643166XPRA RMCSBWXP* - activation error stops the upgrade
648565XPRA RMCSBWXP_COM does not generate anything
614603Skipping releases during the upgrade (jump upgrade)
489259XPRA RMCSBWXP ... terminates with error message D0 322