Programme SAP RMCBINIT_BW - BW: Initialization of opening stocks in transfer structure

This report extracts the current stock data from the OLTP databases andmakes it available in the respective logistics extraction structuresfor transfer into BW.
All of the stock data is read together in the system for the plant,material, and storage location selection options. Afterwards, the stockcategory and characteristic are specified and a unique, temporarydocument regarding the inward and outward movement per plant andmaterial. This is then posted for each LIS update in the extractionstructure for BW.

The stock data extraction only makes sense if the execution of thestock data is made.
When extracting, you can choose whether only the valuated stock data orif all of the stock data (including the other stock data that was notvaluated, if necessary) should be taken into account.
By using the option "Transfer Zero Stocks", you can control whether theinformation "Stock Currently Zero" is business information and if itneeds to be transferred into BW.
If you only select valuated stock data and transfer no zero stocks,then the extractor performance is optimized.

The job of this report is to create only those messages that areappropriate for giving information about the process status.
Otherwise, you can view the result of the program run with the help oftransaction SE16 as the content of the database table specified in theselection screen.

If you only select a plant as the selection criteria, set the number ofdata records per LUW to 100, select "Only Valuated Stocks", and set thecheckbox for zero stocks, then the valuated stocks (including the zerostocks in the InfoSource for BW) are made available for this plant forall materials.
In doing so, a COMMIT is sent to the database and the status is therebystored consistently according to the 100 processed stock data records(this can be several for each material).

In the case of the NOT retailers, the stock data is only stored for thepurchasing value in the InfoSource for BW. The respective sales valuesremain empty.
If this is also the case with retail customers, it could be necessarythat you have to check whether the valuation for the sales price is atall possible for the affected item.

898231Stock initialization does not extract stocks in transit
591063Queries/Web templates InfoCubes 0IC_C01/0IC_C02/0IC_C03
728360PLUG: Performance of stock initialization
438418BW: No unrestricted-use consignment stock in S278
767786Stock in transit valued incorrectly with split valuation
756151PI: No non-valuated stocks with stock initialization
762219RMCBINIT_BW: Value or quantity determined incorrectly
726485PLUG: Missing consignment stocks for stock initialization
684789Plug: Addnl valuation class characteristic in initial stock
686337Empty elementary fields with stock initialization
674351Plug: Incorrect initial stock for valuated sales order
640515Sep. value evaluated special stocks incorrect
663681PLUG: Rounding errors + valuation errors in initial stocks
458610AFS BW: Stock initialization
616119PLUG: Stock initialization - Calculated special stocks
631345Initialization of opening stocks: no data for 2LIS_03_BX
487043BW: Calculated sales order stocks and project stocks
585619Plug: stock initialization - vendor consignment
535657PI: Missing/incorr. WBS element/vendor no./cust. no. in S278
533682Plug: MCNB - Incorrect non-cumulative characteristic