Programme SAP RMCAMUSE - Safety stock calculation

Sample Report for Generating Coding to Calculate the Safety Stock
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The report generated for a concrete info structure (&GSTRU) performsthe following:

  • Selects from the "fixed" characteristics of the info structure

  • Choice of two versions
    Choice of two key figure fields
    Definition a date interval
    • Selects (restricts set of values) the variable characteristics in the
    • info structure (choice of specific materials, plants, etc.)
      Each field has its own F4 Help. Once you have made your selection, thesystem creates two time series in accordance with this selection foreach material-plant combination that occurs (one for each selected keyfigure) and converts them into the material-specific target unit. Onthe basis of this, the system then calculates thematerial-plant-specific safety stock (in the standard way from the MADof the two time series, or alternatively using the customer exitEXIT_SAPMMDRP_001). This safety stock is then stored in column EISBE oftable MARC by means of an update. A corresponding MRP record is thencreated. The respective results of the calculation are written to theoutput list of the report.

      The information structure to be processed (&GSTRU) must contain exactlyone material field (that means a field from the domain MATNR) andexactly one plant field (that means a field from the domain WERKS).Otherwise the report will lead to an error message and the generatedprogram will be terminated.