Programme SAP RMBABG00 - Logistics Invoice Verification - Verification in Background

You use this report to process invoices in the background.

You can use various parameters to call the report:

Change invalid posting date
While processing an invoice, you might establish that the posting datelies within an invalid posting period.
If this flag is set, the system first tries to post the invoice usingthe posting date entered.
If this posting date does not lie within a valid posting period, thesystem uses the 'Requested posting date' parameter specified. Thesystem then posts the invoice using this date, if it lies within avalid period.

Requested posting date
Alternative posting date, in case the posting date entered lies in aperiod that is already closed.

612011No automatic proposal of EREKZ or WEREC
134660Logistics Invoice Verification: Performance (RBKP)
311089Performance problems because of long PO history
661354MIRO: Incorrect tax base in local currency in BSET
158519Performance optimization in logistics invoice verification
676245MRRL: Refresh problems in invoice post
210828Material blocks in logistics invoice verification
459425MR1M: User exit for changing withholding tax data