Programme SAP RM08RL82 - Possible Entries for Purchasing Document

Which purchasing documents are suggested?
A purchasing document is suggested in the F4 possible entries help onlywhen the following apply to at least one of the items in it:

  • the item meets the selection criteria

  • the "goods receipt" indicator is set for the item

  • the "invoice receipt" indicator is set for the item

  • if the "invoice expected" indicator is flagged, the item must contain a
  • delivered quantity that is greater than the settled quantity
    • the purchasing document is either a purchase order or a scheduling
    • agreement
      • the purchasing document has been released
      • Notes on runtime
        Entering the following information makes selection faster:

        • date of purchasing document

        • purchasing document number

        • Each additional piece of information can speed up selection.

          Further notes

          • All items for a delivery note are displayed, even when they do not
          • correspond to the selection by plant or material.
            • Lower-level items cannot be adopted individually.

527679Transaction MIRO: Input help for delivery note