Programme SAP RM07SIT - Display Stock in Transit

Display of Valuated Goods Receipt Blocked Stock

You can use the report RM07MOA to displayvaluated goods receipt blockedstock. The report selects the records from thepurchase order history onthe basis of the selection criteria entered.
If you wish to select purchase orders according to the
Acceptance at Origin indicator, the stock quantities determined fromthe PO history are assigned to the corresponding transactions of originacceptance. After this, the system calculates the proportional valuatedGR blocked stocks at the level of the PO document item. The system disp
lays the results of this calculation in anoutput list with theSAP List Viewer.

To run the report, you need the following authorizations with activity03:

  • M_MATE_WRK: Material Master: Plant

  • F_BKPF_BUK: Accounting Document: Authorization for
  • Company Codes
    • M_BEST_EKO: Purchasing Organization in Purchase
    • Order


      You can show the selection parameters for scope of list and
      layout by choosing the relevant pushbutton.
      If you do not narrow down your selection, the system issues a warningthat the report is liable to run for a long time.
      In the case of the following two pairs of parameters, at least oneparameter must be set in each case:

      • PO history with acceptance at origin/PO history without acceptance at
      • origin
        • Materials with valuated GR blocked stock/Materials without valuated GR
        • blocked stock
          If you start this report in dialog mode, the report notes the last setparameter for each user. If you start again in dialog mode, the systemthen suggests the last-chosen settings again.

          In the output list you have the following navigation options:

          • Environment -> Stock Overview

          • If you position the cursor on a line with the material number and plantor with purchasing document item, you can navigate to the stock overviewfor the material (MMBE).
            • Environment -> Purchase Order History

            • If you position the cursor on a line with purchasing document item, youcan navigate to the PO history for this item.
              • Environment -> Purchase Order

              • If you position the cursor on a line with purchasing document item, youcan navigate to the purchase order display (ME23N).
                • Authorization checks

                • If the system detects that at least one authorization is missing, itissues the message List incomplete due to missing authorization.In this case, the Display Authorization Checks icon appears inthe output list. If you click on this icon, the system opens a dialogbox containing a list of the authorization checks that were performed,together with the results in each case.

                  Frequently asked questions
                  How can you find the materials, vendors, and purchasing documents forwhich acceptance at origin took place on a certain day?
                  You can stipulate the selection mode using the Purchase OrderHistory With Origin Acceptance indicator. You enter the desiredposting date in the Date of Acceptance field. You populate theDate of Delivery field with a fictitious value, e.g.
                  01.01.0001. If you do not narrow down your selection any further, bymaterial, plant etc., the report is liable to run for a long time.
                  How is it possible for the output list to display negative valuated GRblocked stock even though the system does not allow negative stocks?
                  The proportional valuated GR blocked stock at the level of thepurchasing document item is the difference between the accepted quantityand the delivered quantity.
                  If a user has selected according to Date of Origin Acceptance, itcan happen that the acceptance posting is not selected although thedelivery posting is selected. In this constellation, the following stockappears for the purchasing document item found:
                  Accepted quantity 0 - delivered quantity 500 = proportional valuated GRblocked stock -500
                  The report was run without any limiting selections according to postingdate. A layout with filter is not active. How is it possible for aheader line with material and plant without associated purchasingdocument item to appear in the output list?
                  In this case, there may be an inconsistency in the database. Thematerial master record contains a valuated GR blocked stock but thereare no purchasing documents for this material master record. Consult SAPsupport.
                  Is the report RM07MLBS (Display Warehouse Stocks ofMaterial) also able to display valuated GR blocked stock?
                  The report RM07MLBS has been enhanced and selects thevaluated GR blocked stock at plant level of the material master records.The field for the valuated GR blocked stock is available in the fieldcatalog and can be adopted in the output list through a change in thelayout.