Programme SAP RM07RMAT - Display Reservations for Material

Use this report to obtain a list of the reservationsthat have been posted for one or more materials. From this list, youcan display an individual reservation.

For each material, you obtain a list of the reservation items with thefollowing data:

  • requirement date

  • plant

  • reservation and reservation item

  • movement type

  • required quantity and unit of measure

  • difference quantity:

  • A difference quantity is displayed if the material for the reservationhas been overwithdrawn or overdelivered.
    The difference quantity is marked with a minus sign if the quantity
    withdrawn is greater than the quantity required.
    The difference quantity is marked with a plus sign if the
    final issue indicator is set and thequantity withdrawn is smaller
    than the quantity required.
    • account assignment indicator and account assignment

    • indicator "Del" ,,(item is deleted)

    • indicator "Mvt allowed" ,,(goods movement for the reservation allowed)

    • indicator "FIs" ,,(final issue for the
    • reservation)
      By using the line selection function you can display the overviewscreen for the reservation. Here you can press F5 to display the detailscreen for the reservation item.

520765FAQ: Reporting IM (no LIS)
388831No maintenance of RM07RMAT/RM07RKON as of 4.6C