Programme SAP RM07RKON - Reservations for Account Assignment

Use this report to obtain a list of the reservationsposted for an account assignment or without an account assignment(planned receipts). From this list, you can display an individualreservation.


You obtain a list of the reservation items with the following data:
reservation number
reservation item
requirement date
movement type
requirement quantity
base unit of measure
difference quantity
base unit of measure
item deleted
movement allowed
final issue
Select the appropriate line and choose Goto -> Reservation tocall up the reservation overview screen. Here you can choose Goto-> Reservation item to call up the detail screen for the reservationitem.

520765FAQ: Reporting IM (no LIS)
301749Problems with LDBAS when including packages
388831No maintenance of RM07RMAT/RM07RKON as of 4.6C