Programme SAP RM07MLBD - Stock on Posting Date

The report Stock for posting date lists a company's own stocksin a particular time period (earliest date 0h00, latest date 24h00).
The posting date is used for selection. Note that the posting date maybe different from the entry date (date entered in the system) as wellas the document date.
Starting with the current stock balance, the report uses the materialdocuments to calculate the stock balance for the specified postingdate.

You need authorization to display material documents for all chosenplants (authorization object Material documents:plant, activity 03).


  • Stock quantity and stock value on first date

  • Total and value of all receipts

  • Total and value of all issues

  • Stock quantity and stock value on last date

  • List of the material documents that were posted in the specified time
  • period
    To go to the detail screen for the material document item, place thecursor on a material document and choose Goto -> Document item

1558298MB5B: Redesign of selection for performance optimization
497992XXX MB5B : Composite SAP Note for Release >= 4.0B 05/2002
902157MB5B: Improving the runtime using database hints/4.70
599218MB5B: Composite SAP Note for Release >= 4.0B 03/2004
486477MM-IM Law on Tax Reduction: Separate authorization check
747306MB5B: Incorrect assignment MM document - FI document
838360MB5B: M7821 w/ batch-managed materials
555246MM-IM tax reduction law: Logging
944522MB5B: No minus signs in goods issues
918992MB5B: Improvements/additions to Note 902157/4.70
878753MB5B: Report runs despite missing authorization
571473XXX MB5B: Composite SAP note for Releases >= 4.0B 12/2002
520765FAQ: Reporting IM (no LIS)
547170XXX MB5B: Composite SAP note for Release >= 4.0B 09/2002
525339MB5L : Error when you branch to detail list
451923XXX MB5B : Composite SAP note for Releases >= 4.0B
204463xxx MB5B: Function "No reversal movements"
450764XXX MB5B : Error for special stock and split valuation
385400XXX MB5B: Displaying goods receipt/issue slip number (XAB)
442733MB5B/RM07MLBD: Material selection doesn't work
195786MB5B: Collective Note
400264MB5B: Rounding error after local currency changeover
319115Processing of transfer stock in MB5B
204872xxx MB5B: Several accounting documents for mat. doc
201039Missing accounting documents in MB5B and MR51
194788MB5B:incorrect stocks f.too many selection criteria