Programme SAP RM07MCHS - Pick-Up List for Batch Where-Used List

This report is used to obtain a list of SD documents that contain aspecific batch of a material. If you know the SD document, you can alsoenter it directly.
From this list, you can perform the batch where-used list function.
The report only displays the type of SD documents (for example, salesorders or delivery notes) that you specified directly on the selectionscreen or selected by entering a scope of list.

The batch where-used list function must be active and the batchwhere-used file built up before you are able to create the batchwhere-used list from the list.

The list contains the following data:

  • plant

  • SD document and item

  • material number and batch

  • From within the list, the following functions can be performed:
    • To display the SD document, material, or batch, position the
    • cursor accordingly and select Choose.
      • To create the batch where-used list for the batch, select
      • Top-down or bottom-up.