Programme SAP RM07ICHK - Corr. Progr. for Phys. Inv. Docs w. Wrong Inv. Adjstmt Posting Status

Correction program for physical inventory documents whose documentheader contains an incorrect inventory adjustment posting status.
This report can be used to correct wrong physical inventory documents.

The list contains all physical inventory documents with a wronginventory ajustment posting status. They can be corrected usingfunction F11 (Post). If no list is generated, you can assume that theinventory adjustment posting status is correct within the documentinterval you specified. This is important if the differences may stillbe posted - that is, the posting occurs in the current or in theprevious period. If this is no longer the case, you should check thedocuments using F2 (Change physical inventory document). For thoseitems for which the differences have not been posted yet, you shouldinitiate a new physical inventory (if required, use a second systemsession to perform the function 'Create physical inventory document').However, to do this, first provide the items in the 'wrong' documentswith a delete indicator, because otherwise physical inventory willstill be active for these items.
If errors occur during updating of the physical inventory documents,the system will list the errors in an error log. Please, process thesedocuments then manually.