Programme SAP RM07ICDD_LIST - Display Changes to Phys. Inv. Docs

You can use the report Changes to Physical Inventory Documentsto display a list of all change documents for physical inventory (PI)documents. The system creates a new change document for each changemade to a PI document.
On the initial screen, you enter the PI document number and theassociated fiscal year. In this way, you can search for the changedocuments for a certain PI document in a targeted manner.
If you enter just the fiscal year, you get a list showing all changedocuments created by the system in the year in question.
If you know the number of the change document, access it directly.
However, you can also display the changes made to several PI documentsby a certain user or as of a certain point in time.

The system generates change documents only if:

  • The Creation of change documents has been allowed for each plant
  • in Customizing for Inventory Management under the stepDefine Default Values for PhysicalInventory Document
    • A user changes a PI document (MI02)

    • A user changes a physical inventory count (MI05)
    • Output
      The system outputs an overview of all change documents for PIdocuments:

      • Number of PI document

      • Fiscal year

      • Number of change document

      • Date of change

      • Time of change

      • Name of person who made the change

      • Transaction code with which the changer changed the document

      • Starting from this list, you have the following options:
        • Choose one PI document for display

        • Go to the detail view of a change document

        • This detail view shows you what the relevant user changed in the PIdocument header and individual PI document items.