Programme SAP RM07IARCS - Archiving Physical Inventory Documents: Write Program

Report RM07IARCS writes all physical inventory documents from aninterval defined by the user that satisfy the archiving conditions to astorage system.

As soon as you have archived the PI documents, you can remove them fromthe database using the delete report RM07IDELS.
More information on this delete report is available underArchiving Physical Inventory Documents: Delete Program

You have defined the residence time in days per plant andtransaction/event type.
Enter the value MM_INVBEL in the Archiving Object field inarchive administration (transaction code SARA).
Choose Customizing and then Application-Specific Customizing
On the Document Archiving screen, define the residence time perplant and transaction/event type.


Scope of archiving
The report archives PI documents that have exceeded the residence time.You will find an overview of the database tables relevant to archivingin the application Tables and Archiving Objects (transaction codeDB15). You can extend the archiving scope using the BusinessAdd-In (BAdI) ARC_MM_INVBEL_WRITE, which is integrated in the report,without modifications.

Archivability check
You can enhance the archivability check using the BAdIARC_MM_INVBEL_CHECK, which is integrated in the report, withoutmodifications. More information on the implementation of BAdIs inarchiving programs is available in SAP Note 673030.

You can select the interval of PI documents to be archived according tothe following criteria:

  • Physical inventory document

  • Plant

  • Fiscal year

  • Posting period

  • For flow control, the usual options are available.

    The report offers the usual output options.