Programme SAP RM07DOCS - Material Document List

List of Material Documents

This report displays a list of thematerial documents thatwere posted for a material or multiple materials. From theoutput list you can displaya material document.
You can choose whether you want to read a material document from thedatabase or from the archive. From the database you can also displayshort documents relating to archived material documents. At the end ofthis help text you can learn how to define an additional field for thearchived material documents and add the field to the MARI table (ShortDocuments Material Movements). For selecting and displaying shortdocuments you can only use the data in the MARI table.

Authorization Check
For all selected plants you need authorization for displaying materialdocuments (authorization object Material Documents:Plant, Activity 03).
If you want to display value fields from the document, you will alsoneed authorization for the corresponding company code to displayaccounting documents (authorization object AccountingDocument: Authorization for Company Codes, Activity 03).
Displaying Archived Material Documents and Short Documents
To read material documents from the archive you must first archivematerial documents. To do this, go to the Inventory Management menu andchoose Material Document -> Archive -> Create Archive.
To read short documents from the database you must have created shortdocuments and an index table when archiving. You can create shortdocuments retroactively using the program RM07MARI;you can create the index table using the program

Increasing Performance
To increase data selection performance, you should enter at least a
material or a posting date.
Coloring Numerical Values
In Customizing for Inventory Management, under Reporting -> Set UpPrint Functions for Reporting, you can use the Do NotColor Values After +/- Sign indicator to specify whether data entrieswith quantities and values should be highlighted in color in the outputlist:

  • If the indicator is not set, the system only colors the fields with
  • quantities and values in this report. In lines with receipt postings thesystem highlights positive numbers in green. In lines with outgoingpostings the system highlights negative numbers in red.
    • If the indicator is set, the system colors all fields in a line the same
    • way. Lines with receipt postings and positive numbers are shown in lightgray and lines with outgoing postings and negative numbers are shown indark gray.
      We recommend this setting if you want to improve performance in largeoutput lists.

      IF &[SWITCH]MM_SFWS_MAA& = 'X'.
      Multiple Account Assignment
      The selection only takes into account MM documents and purchase ordersthat have not yet been archived.
      For more information, see the data element SelectPurchase Order Items with Multiple Account Asssignments.
      Choosing the Data Source
      The report can read document data either direct from the database or,with the help of short documents, from the archive. Note that the shortdocuments may not contain all fields from the selection screen. In thatcase it is pointless to enter those selection criteria.
      If errors occur when the system is retrieving documents from thearchive, the system informs you using a dialog box.


      • Plant

      • Storage Location

      • Movement Type

      • Special Stock Indicator (for example C for Consignment Stock)

      • Material Document and Material Document Item

      • Posting Date

      • Quantity Moved and Unit of Measure

      • From the output list you can navigate via the Environment menu todisplay the following:
        • If the cursor is on a material document item and you choose Material
        • Document, the system displays the corresponding material document.
          • If the material document is assigned to a purchase order and you choose
          • Purchase Order, the system displays the purchase order.
            • If you choose Stock Overview, the system displays the stock
            • overview for the corresponding material.
              • If you choose Accounting Document, the system displays the
              • accounting document.
                If you double-click in the output list, the system displays one of thefollowing functions, depending on the field you selected:
                • Stock Overview: Double-click on a header line.

                • Purchase Order: Double-click on a purchase order number.

                • Purchase Order Item: Double-click on a purchase order item.

                • Document Item: Double-click on a document item.

                • Material Document: All other columns.

                  Configurating Selection Screen and Field Catalog
                  You can configure both the selection screen and the number of fieldscontained in the field catalog of the SAP List Viewer across allclients. The customizing activity DefineField Selection for Material Document List in Customizing forInventory Management allows you to do this.
                  If you reduce the number of fields in the field catalog, performance ofthe report
                  INCLUDE MMIM_ANZVARimproves.

                  This example shows you how to define an additional field for thearchived material documents and add the field to the MARI table.
                  First you need to cancel the short documents and index tables. Thisensures that you are only working with current data. You cancel indextables and short documents using the program RM07MAID.
                  In the dictionary (transaction SE11), display the table with the objectname MARI. The table MARI contains a field for a customer include. Youuse this to assign a new field, defined by you, to the structureCl_MARISEL. The field that you want to add must be found in the materialdocument items table (MSEG).
                  Finally you must rebuild the index tables and short documents, in orderto activate the changes. You do this using the program RM07MAIC.
                  Now you can use the newly defined field in the MARI table for selectingand displaying short documents.

1550000MB51: Redesign of selection for performance optimization
215435MB51: Procedure for regeneration
921164MB51: Improving the runtime using database hints
902675MB51: Database hints to improve runtime / 4.70
1355172MB51: Error setting minus sign
1283280MB51: Enhancements to multiple account assignment display
555893MB51: Preventing runtime error DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL
690027FAQ: Reporting IM (no LIS)
1078584MMBE: Performance when calling the material document list
486477MM-IM Law on Tax Reduction: Separate authorization check
555246MM-IM tax reduction law: Logging
984127MB51: Error DB 634 when loading repaired variants
609921MB51: Materials not transferred from search help
918991MB51: Improvements/additions Note 902675/4.70
732471MB51: Reading short docs after Note 599966
830170MB51: Runtime error DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL with MARI
823638MB51 M7001 Entry missing in Table 063
357187MB51: Fields in field catalog / selection screen
388375MB51: Displaying sales order/project
655118MB51: Syntax error after Note 599966
520765FAQ: Reporting IM (no LIS)
599966MB51: Use of the archive information system instead of MARI
579976MB52: List format occurs with initial layout
371393No maintenance of RM07MMAT/RM07MBUD from 4.6A onwards
327857Lost variants of MB51/MB59 after upgrade
319708Missng quantity f.shrt doc.selection in MB51/MB59
215043MB51: Automatic repair function