Programme SAP RM0746AX - XPRA Report for Conversion of Table T156S (MM-IM, Release 4.6A)

XPRA program for converting table T156S (MM-IM, Release 4.6A)

Update control for Inventory Management has been changed for Release4.6A. Table T156S has therefore been replaced by tables T156SY andT156SC.
Due to these changes, the table T156S has to be converted with the XPRAprogram.
The table T156SY contains all of the data fields of table T156S thatare maintained solely by SAP.
The table T156SC, on the other hand, contains all of the data fieldsfrom T156S that can be maintained by customers.
The fields BWAGR, MLBWG, and SNBWG of table T156S are an exception,since these data fields were included in table T156Q. Note that the keyfor table T156Q - in contrast with the key for table T156S - does notcontain the WERTU and MENGU fields. The XPRA program therefore convertsthe BWAGR, MLBWG, and SNBWG fields according to the followingalgorithm:
It converts all of the data records of table T156S with BWAGR <>initial or SNBWG <> initial or MLBWG <> initial.
If the corresponding data record does not exist in table T156Q, theprogram includes this data record in the table.
If the corresponding data record was created during the conversion oralready exists in table T156Q, the program only converts the fieldsBWAGR, MLBWG, and SNBWG if they were previously initial.
The tables T156SY and T156SC are controlled via the Posting StringReference (BUSTR) field of table T156.
The program also converts customer-definedmovement types
along with the others. It determines the reference movement type inthe process and includes it in the BUSTR field of table T156.
The XPRA program encompasses the following functions:

  • Table T156:

  • The BUSTR (reference movement type) field is filled.
    • Table T156SC:

    • Corresponding data fields of T156S are copied to T156SC.
      • Table T156Q:

      • Conversion of fields SNBWG, MLBWG, and BWAGR from table T156S to tableT156Q.
        • Table T156SY:

        • The program adds customer-specific movement types for which it cannotdetermine a reference movement type.

360003CS V46C.1A: Additional information on migration guide
523509FAQ: Control tables (no Customizing)
333041RM0746AX: Error OM223 when converting T156S